Akash is now live on Itch.io

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Akash: Path of the Five is a professionally-produced, fully-voiced English visual novel in the otome style.  It was created as a love letter to the otome genre, birthed out of a desire to contribute to a much beloved niche of gaming, one that has been around for a long time but only more recently has started seeing prominence in the west. We wanted to add our own small voice to the chorus, so to speak, of the growing number of otome-style English visual novels.

To that end, we decided quite early on that Akash would be fully funded, developed, and published independently and internally. We did not have the benefit of an outside publisher, and we did not crowdfund (no Kickstarter, no Patreon, etc). Akash was, from concept to execution, completely our own.  We are proud to present the full game, DRM-free, on itch.io.  Additionally, we have created a small free demo, which encompasses a small part of the game.  This demo features full save functionality, and save files you create here are compatible / will carry over to the full game, should you choose to purchase.  Lastly, for the first 100 purchases, a Steam key will also be included, which will provide access to the game's steam achievements.


Akash: Path of the Five (Windows) 2 GB
Version 3 Dec 05, 2019
Akash: Path of the Five (OSX) 2 GB
Version 2 Dec 05, 2019

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